Join the LOVE Membership

Prepare to exercise firm faith to plan, prepare, promote, and present 
your authentic love offering (how God is asking you to serve now).

Enroll Now

Why Should I Join the LOVE Membership?

Plan Your
Authentic Offering

  • Are you wondering how God is calling you to serve in this important season of your life?
  • Do you need to create a purposeful plan to bring your God-given desires to life in this important season?

Prepare Your
Authentic Offering

  • Are you interested in using a proven blueprint to design your authentic offering?
  • Do you need a strategic plan to serve authentically this season (e.g., via an online course, event, or coaching program)?

Promote Your
Authentic Offering

  • Is your marketing strategy as impactful as your mission to share your authentic offering?
  • Do you need to create a plan that speaks to the hearts of your audience as you promote your authentic offering? 

Present Your
Authentic Offering

  • Do you need a road map to present your authentic offering to those who truly need it?
  • Are you interested in creating meaningful experiences for your audience as you present your authentic offering?

Hi, I'm Firm Faith

As a child, I despised my name. Now, I realize that God has called me to help leaders like you exercise firm faith to make the wise decisions that you need to make, to achieve the desires that He has placed in your heart. I was blessed to see this verse with my name: 

"If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all (Isaiah 7:9)."

The verse below also reminds me of how God is leading me to serve you through the LOVE membership.

"... All that matters is faith, expressed through love" (Galatians 5:6).

I invite you to join me and other wise leaders in the LOVE membership.

What's in the LOVE membership for me?

Weekly LOVE Challenge

Get words of wisdom and a new challenge each week to help you plan, prepare, promote, and present your authentic love offering, in this season.
"A person has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word!"
(Proverbs 15:23).

Leadership Coaching

Receive group coaching and opportunities to sit in a "hot" well actually a "love" seat to help you discern and commit to your next wise steps.
"A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water, but a person of understanding draws it out" (Proverbs 20:5).

Community of Wise Leaders

Interact and network with wise leaders by sharing and receiving wise counsel and encouraging each other to plan, prepare, promote, and present your love offering. 
"Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 11:14).

Yes, I want to join the LOVE membership

and exercise firm faith to plan, prepare, promote, and present my authentic love offering!

Enroll Now

What will I achieve in the LOVE Membership?

What leaders noted about Firm Faith's Work (Unsolicited)

Virtual Course Design Challenge Participant

"I can honestly say that putting your tips and tools into practice made me feel more confident, helped me to stay focused on the objectives, and I am sure it will reflect in students' learning too in a positive way...I already have seen a major improvement in the way I look at handling my courses.

Your name and your talk will always be there in my mind...

Your firm faith principles are also very inspiring….emotional enough to force me to think deeply about life and strong enough to help people stay motivated…
I learned a lot from you both about the course and about life….
hank you so much for all your efforts.  I thoroughly enjoyed being part of your class."

Dr. Mahwish Anjam, Assistant Professor, College of Business, 
Al Ghurair University, Dubai

The Wise Leader Challenge Participant and This Works for Me Virtual Summit Speaker 

"You have always been one of the most innovative and forward-thinking individuals in higher education.
I appreciate what you’ve been doing.
You are a leader.”

Dr. Doyle Friskney, 
Senior Fellow, Academic Affairs, Council on Post
Secondary Education;
Retired Chief Technology Officer, University of Kentucky

This Works for Me
Virtual Summit Speaker

"Please know that what you are doing is of great service to educators. It's an innovative way to produce anytime/anywhere professional development, on demand. It is great to learn from my peers in their areas of expertise, and I thank you for including me in your scaffolded learning community.
I wish you continued success and applaud your work."

Dr. Denise Malloy
Executive Director,
Global SMART Technology Innovation Center, Tennessee State University

Virtual Course Design Challenge Observer

"Thank you for sharing your model of Weekly Challenges with us and allowing us to sit in on your Zoom call. Our Challenges have been going extremely well...Your program model had such an impact on us..."
Dr. Carla Vecchiola,
Director, Hub for Teaching & Learning ResourcesUniversity of

Leadership Coaching Institute Participant

Firm Faith, "You are truly a gift to higher education."

Dr. Debra Ferdinand-James, 
Senior Lecturer, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus

Virtual Course Design Challenge Participant

Thank you for running your Virtual Course Design challenge last summer in a way that was open to the broader academic community. I learned a lot not only from the content that you presented, but also through appreciating the design of the associated Canvas course... 

I also appreciated the meetups you hosted on Zoom to talk through some of the ideas. I enjoyed meeting others from outside my college who were facing the same challenges.

Overall, I feel grateful to have had this structured and supportive environment in which to think through my choices and celebrate everyone’s progress at the end of the session.

I have brought my perspectives from the challenge back to my campus to help my colleagues as they re-designed their courses. I have also since redesigned most of my Canvas course spaces following principles from your [challenge], and I believe that this has helped my students navigate the online spaces of my course even better. 

I intend to keep these design features when we return face-to-face.
Thanks again for making an impact!

Dr. Elizabeth Leininger, 
Assistant Professor, Division of Natural Sciences, New College of Florida

Leadership Coaching and Consultation

"Firm Faith was instrumental in my decision to pursue my passion through entrepreneurship. For the past two years, I have been growing ATTECS, LLC - an independent center for teaching and learning. But, it came about as a result of much deliberation and reflection: "What is your heart's desire?" discussion
with Firm Faith really helped clarify my choice."

Dr. Ella Epshteyn 

Virtual Course Design Challenge and ALIVE Challenge Participant

"Thank you so much for the benefit of your wisdom...
learned so much and shared with others.  The students will benefit from the learning I received from you!
Dr. Arlene Nicholas, Professor, Faculty Fellow, 5-Year Program Coordinator,
Salve University

ALIVE Challenge Participant

"It was extremely helpful to have a conversation with you today. I just left the meeting with the Provost, and they like the approach to the faculty academy.  

I truly enjoyed the learning experience!" [in the Accelerated Leadership in Virtual Environments Challenge]

Dr. Michael Dailey
Director of Distance Learning and Instructional Design, Office of Distance Education, Kentucky State University

Founding Member Investment Packages 



Click here for $110/Month
Click here for $1200/Year

  • LOVE (Lead Others in Virtual Environments) Challenge
  • Firm Faith's Devotionals
  • Learning Modules via the Online Learning Platform
  • 911 Decision Making Workbook and Guides
  • Group Coaching (featuring the love seat)
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Peer Coaching (featuring opportunities to serve as observer, client, and coach)
  • Technology Strategies
  • Community of Wise Leaders
  • Monthly Showcase of Wins
Enroll Now



Click here for $220/Month
Click here for $2400/Year

  • LOVE (Lead Others in Virtual Environments) Challenge
  • Firm Faith's Devotionals
  • Learning Modules via the Online Learning Platform
  • 911 Decision Making Workbook and Guides
  • Group Coaching (featuring the love seat)
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Peer Coaching (featuring opportunities to serve as observer, client, and coach)
  • Technology Strategies
  • Community of Wise Leaders
  • Monthly Showcase of Wins
  • Opportunity to earn discounts and more as a partner
  • Templates (e.g., for Workbook and Guides)
  • Laser Coaching for an extra 20 minutes after each group coaching session (may be individual or group, depending on demand)
Enroll Now



Click here for $330/Month
Click here for $3600/Year

  • LOVE (Lead Others in Virtual Environments) Challenge
  • Firm Faith's Devotionals
  • Learning Modules via the Online Learning Platform
  • 911 Decision Making Workbook and Guides
  • Group Coaching (featuring the love seat)
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Peer Coaching (featuring opportunities to serve as observer, client, and coach)
  • Technology Strategies
  • Community of Wise Leaders
  • Monthly Showcase of Wins
  • Opportunity to earn discounts and more as a partner
  • Templates (e.g., for Workbook and Guides)
  • Laser Coaching for an extra 20 minutes after each group coaching session (may be individual or group, depending on demand)
  • Laser Coaching for an extra 30 minutes each month before each group coaching session (may be individual or group, depending on demand) to get just in time assistance, e.g., with Kajabi landing page template
  • VIP Strategy Session: Plan Your Success for the Next 3, 6, or 12 Months or work on your Kajabi landing page (2 hours)
Enroll Now

Frequently Asked Questions

About Firm Faith

Dr. Firm Faith Watson currently serves as the Director of the Faculty Development Center at Murray State University. She is a leadership coach and the President and Founder of Firm Faith University, the official sponsor of the Wise Leader Virtual Summit, the Wise Leader Challenge, the Wise Leader Institute the FIRM FAITH Leadership Success Accelerator and the Wise Leader Conference.

She designed and facilitated professional development to serve leaders in the United States and beyond including the Leadership Coaching Institute, the ALIVE - Accelerated Leadership in Virtual Environments Challenge, and the Virtual Course Design Challenge. 
She hosted the freely available This Works for Me Virtual Summit

She collaborated with leaders at Murray State University to host the Fall Faculty Summit, New Faculty Orientation, New Faculty Academy, and to lead the university's major transition to online learning during the pandemic.

Dr. Watson may be reached at [email protected].

"This is the Membership I Desire!"

Without faith it is impossible to please God. He that comes to God must believe that He IS and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). 

What if what you need is not more of what you have been trying or thinking, but wisdom and firm faith that works through love?

Let me help you exercise firm faith to plan, prepare, promote, and present your authentic love offering.